Luma Al Shaikh from Al Salam bank stated, “The best feature in Casengine is the dashboard, the option of going in a user-friendly dashboard and viewing everything I have in the department, from cases to clients to updates, has made my work a lot easier, efficient and faster.”
Casengine is designed to simplify and organize the whole documenting and filing system. The timeline is a view of every single action that was taken in a particular case/ project. Starting from the very first step of taking in a case to the day of closing it. It is very clear, well displayed, easily followed and digested. The way of navigating the case could top to bottom or bottom to top in a chronological order. Linking and concluding the case updates can now be done instantly by viewing the timeline.
When asked on what would she change in Casengine, she said that she would not want to change anything as she thinks it is perfect as is. She added, “The change that it has made in Al Salam bank’s Legal department is a tremendous one, it is a completely different thing now, the effort and time spent at finishing a task is much less now and there is no need to do a lot of amendments and correction as it is computer based so even the time spend in the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes is much less.” Luma also confirmed that she always mentions Casengine in every work sitting and tells everyone she encounters with in business about it.